The amazing order and will of creation

Rationally ordered but purposefully manipulated. That appears to be the means by which the Universe came into being and humankind within it.

I never liked fine tuning arguments that attempt to explain the emergence of life in the Universe. It is so vast, I always assumed that no odds were too long for the appearance of life and complex, intelligent life from that. As I understood it, the science of nature does not need fine tuning to explain its existence or development.

However, reading Hugh Ross’s Improbable Planet, it becomes clear how remote the chances are that matter and energy can give rise to habitable galaxies with planets that can sustain life for the billions of years it takes for simple life forms to evolve into sentient ones.

Like the miraculous balance of the cosmological constant, the odds of life emerging and sustaining on any planet are all but impossible. The emergence and development of life on Earth coinciding with the precise time during the solar life cycle that makes the sun hospitable to life combined with the time-sensitive symbiosis between life and the Earth’s geology needed to make the surface habitable seem as improbably fine tuned as the Big Bang itself.

It seems that life could only emerge naturally in the Universe by some sort of divine fiat in which the laws of science are bent to a divine will.

The knowledge challenges conventional understanding of both divinity and science.