The imperfection of life is not evidence against the existence of God

One of the main points in my ebook is that life is imperfect, but not because there is no god. It is imperfect because there is no such thing as a perfect life or perfect living.

Don’t let atheists deceive you. No one can even “dream up” a perfect life.

From The Endeavor of Life:

Atheists like to present alternative scenarios that depict what life would be like if it were the creation of a good God. Without fail, they present some idyllic scene of beauty and harmony. But life and people are too complex to fit on anyone’s portrait of bliss. Over time, the people in those portraits would figure out what’s necessary and what’s not and live the path of least resistance.

What makes perfect sense in isolated scenes (God should have done something here, or we should live as this portrait appears), does not make near as much sense as a “movie” (in which God takes care of everyone all the time, and there is no need for all that work going on in the rustic farming village in that portrait of bliss.) Our frailty motivates years of vigilant care and decades of intensive labor, toil and sacrifice to which we owe the character and continuity of human life as we know it.